College Info & Applications – official college planning resource, including interest finder

University of California – official UC website

UC Transfer Pathways – offers UC Statewide Transfer Preparation Paths

AICCU – links to all independent colleges and universities in California

CSU Apply – info and application for the CSU system

ASSIST – database of transfer agreements for California public universities—also includes a majors finder

California Community College Transfer Degrees – find which colleges/majors offer priority transfer degrees – take a college major quiz, select colleges by major, state, college size, type of college, etc. to determine possible colleges

Big Future ( – comprehensive college/major search engine

Common Application – accepted by nearly 500 colleges

Financial Aid

CSS Profile – financial aid form for many private colleges

FAFSA – federal financial aid form

GetCollegeFunding – how to complete the FAFSA and CSS Profile


College Board – SAT dates, registration and preparation, AP tests

ACT – ACT dates, registration and preparation

FairTest – colleges that do not require standardized tests